Physical Education
K-10 Physical Education is the responsibility of the Sport and class teacher. Our children participate in Athletics Carnivals at school, on the Peninsula and in Broome. We begin each day with a 10-minute Fitness session for every child in the school.
Cultural Studies
Cultural Studies are a very important part of our curriculum at Sacred Heart School. Our ATA’s provide a rich variety of activities throughout each term which take place every week on Cultural Fridays and throughout the week in each classroom. Students work together with staff and other agencies e.g., Nyul Nyul Rangers, Elders, to learn and experience Nyul Nyul language, culture, science, geography and much more. The students enjoy going ‘On Country’ for real life experiences.
After School Activities
Activities will be advertised through the School Newsletter and at Assemblies and usually take place after school. These include; experiments, games, art and much more.
End of Term Concert Night
At the end of term, we have a whole school performance/concert and Community Market Night. We look forward to all our families sharing in the fun.
There are opportunities for our students to attend camps during the year.
As part of the Bushrangers/ Cadet programme, they also participate in regional camps with the Nyul Nyul Rangers.
On Country experiences are particularly special and educational.
Parents are Invited to be Involved
Parents are invited to be involved in the school, to support its Policies and participate in our school functions. We encourage you to assist regularly in our classrooms e.g., before school reading, literacy/numeracy, and art activities during class time. Please see your classroom teacher to make arrangements.
If you would like to assist in the classroom, it is important to remember that confidentiality is crucial. The classroom teacher is responsible for the children’s education and monitoring the behaviour of the children. The parent is a helper, working under the teacher’s direction.
Parents are invited to attend School and class Masses, class liturgies, School Assemblies and School Carnivals. Parents are also encouraged to take an active part in our cultural programmes.
There are several ways you can communicate with the school and ways that we communicate with you
THE WEEKLY NEWSLETTER - A School Newsletter is distributed every Wednesday to keep parents informed of approaching events as well as school policies, directives, initiatives, and current school requirements.
TERM PLANNER – to inform parents of events for the term and assist with forward planning.
FLIERS – there will be times when information will need to reach parents outside of the Newsletter and this communication will be sent home in the form of a flier.
PARENT INFORMATION EVENINGS - Conducted early in Term One each year. Class Teachers outline areas of curriculum, class timetable, class policies and answer any queries.
PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS - Conducted as required. 3-Way Interview (Teacher, Parent and Child) is held at the end Term 1. Progress Reports at the end of Semester.
PROGRESS REPORTS - Sent out to parents at the end of Terms 2 & 4.
APPOINTMENTS - Discussion with a class teacher, by appointment, is an effective way of knowing your child's progress. Please try to make an appointment after school. The morning is a valuable time to get ready for the school day and for children and teacher interaction and should be left free for this purpose.
PARENTAL CONCERNS – It is important that teachers are aware of any concerns that you may have for your child. Parents are welcome to discuss any concerns which may arise, please make a suitable appointment time with your child’s classroom teacher. Making an appointment after school will allow time for you and the classroom teacher to sit down and discuss your concerns without time restraints. Please direct all classroom queries to the class teacher first. You may wish to discuss further concerns with the Principal.
GENERAL MEETINGS – are scheduled during the year to ensure co-operation and understanding of current topics or as the need arises.
School Assemblies
Each Monday is our school assembly at 1:50pm. Staff and students come together to start the week with prayer, celebrate our school highlights, give out general notices, review school rules, and celebrate birthdays, attendance awards and merit awards. We strongly encourage families to attend these assemblies and share in your child’s school life. Assemblies are held in the school Hall.
School Lunch
Lunches can be brought to school and kept in the classroom fridge. Lunches can be ordered through the Shop/Bakery.
PLEASE NOTE: Lunches must be delivered to the School Office, not your child’s classroom, at least 10 minutes before recess and lunch.
Students are supervised for the first ten minutes to eat their lunch and they are dismissed for play at 1.00pm.
Healthy Eating and Drinking
Young developing brains thrive in healthy conditions and we are proud to promote Sacred Heart School as a responsible environment for children to grow. Please ensure that your food choices are healthy and please refer to the flier in the pack for more information.
Only water is permitted at school
Each child is provided with a water bottle in school and these are kept cool in classroom fridges.
We encourage and expect 100% Attendance at school.
When a child is absent from school, please call the office and/or an absentee note can be forwarded to school, stating the reason for the child’s absence. If a parent is collecting a child during school hours, parents are requested to sign the sign out sheet in the office. When you return with your child or children please sign in again. Continued unexplained absences will be followed up by the Principal and Attendance Officer.
Emergency Procedures
The school has Evacuation and Lockdown plans in the case of emergencies and has practice drills each term. If you are helping in the school or are present during these drills, please follow the emergency procedure at the direction of a staff member.
Head Lice
Parents are requested to check their child’s hair on a regular basis. If head lice are found, please treat your child’s hair before they return to school. Long hair should be tied back in a ponytail or braided each day.
Jewellery, Nail Polish & Tattoos
The only jewellery permitted at school is a watch, chain with cross/medal, one stud sleeper in each ear.
Nail Polish is not permitted at school. Save it for the holidays.
Please keep tattoos for a holiday treat.
School uniform is compulsory and must be worn every day
Uniform consists of:

Primary Polo Shirt

Secondary Polo Shirt

Faction Polo Shirt

School Shorts (Black)

School Cap
Sports shoes are required when attending an excursion.
All uniform is available through the school office.

Faction GOOLIL (Sports)

Faction DUGONG (Sports)

Faction JINUP (Sports)

A great Recipe for a Positive and Thriving Community
Kindergarten to Yr 10
Growth, Development
and Togetherness
Education Enlivened
Through Jesus Christ
Respecting Our
Common Home
Building a Caring
& Friendly Future
Learning with
Life Long Skills
Our Core Values (4D's)
We are a PATHs school and all staff are trained in the Berry Street Programme we place great emphasis and focus on social and emotional well-being. Our Behaviour Management Programme is based on Positive Behaviour Learning.