Dear Families and Guardians
After 4 years at Sacred Heart School, it is time for me to return to my family in Perth. I have recently been appointed to the position of Principal at St Paul's Catholic School, Mt Lawley, WA.
I have loved every minute of my work in Beagle Bay and cherish all the incredible memories of time spent with staff, students, and community, however, it is time to head home to my family. I have been involved in a large part of the students’ learning journeys over the years, and I am so proud of the progress they have made in all their learning areas. I have seen the building program to completion and our school and classrooms are testament to the arduous work and the absolute care that each person, staff and students bring to school each day, it is a wonderful place to be!
I thank everyone for their support of me during my time here, especially the talented ATAs who are so passionate about teaching our students. Their planning and ideas are so inspiring, and I will certainly miss their input each day, but I leave knowing that they will continue the important work of imparting their knowledge about culture and language to the children. I also look forward to seeing some of them become qualified teachers in the future. Thankyou to the valuable ancillary staff who have been a constant positive, force, you keep our school ticking over like a well-oiled machine. Thank you to the Nyul Nyul Rangers who have been sharing their precious time with our young students, teaching them important knowledge about their Country. The teachers, for the incredible work they do each day with and for our students. Their planning and preparation are second to none, their care of all students here is visible in the development of our children. I have certainly seen the children progress spiritually, emotionally, and academically. Immense thanks and gratitude to Miss Brigitte (Assistant Principal) who has been my 'right hand woman'. She has brought a calm, dedicated approach to Sacred Heart School and has the best interests of all the staff and students at heart, whilst supporting our mantra of high expectations at all times. Thank you Brigitte.
I thank Father John Bosco with my whole heart for his spiritual guidance and care of all of us here in the bay and wish him all the best with his own family and adventures to come.
Catholic Education Western Australia (CEWA) has appointed Mr Martin Jones as the new Substantive Principal for Sacred Heart School Beagle Bay, to commence January 2024. Martin is currently the Principal of Kururrungku Catholic Education Centre Bililuna. I would like to wish Martin all the very best, he is looking forward to joining you all next year. Some of you may remember Mr Martin who worked at Sacred Heart School several years ago, so he is excited to be returning.
I look forward to visiting again in the future and following the progress of the school under its new leadership in 2024.
God bless each of us and, every family in our community, as we place our trust in the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Nicola Lee
